
We ensure no data and information of our clients ate shared with any third-party. We make sure you have no security issues in our website.

All data collected are for research and development and enhancing our products.

We use cookies on Microtech Electronics website to ensure you get the best experience on this website. Cookies are strictly used for –

  • Offering quick login facility whenever you visit our website
  • Obtain information about your preferences, online movements and use of the website
  • Improving our content and to help us better understand our visitor requirements and interests
  • Research and development of products and enhance our services

You can choose the cookies settings as in most cases we will need your consent in order to use cookies on our website.

Changes in our privacy policy

Any changes in the Privacy and Cookies Policy in the future will be posted on this page.


Protected media refers to any type of digital content that is secured with measures designed to prevent unauthorized copying, distribution, or use. This can include copyrighted works such as movies, music, e-books, software, and video games, as well as other types of proprietary content like confidential business information and trade secrets.


Cookies can raise privacy concerns in the context of the web because they can be used to track a user’s activity across multiple websites and collect personal information without the user’s knowledge or consent. For example, cookies can be used to track a user’s browsing history, search queries, and location data. To address these privacy concerns, many websites have implemented privacy policies and cookie consent notices that inform users about the use of cookies on the site and allow users to choose whether or not to accept them. In addition, modern web browsers allow users to control cookie settings, such as blocking third-party cookies or clearing cookies periodically.